Louise received the CSHA District 8 (California Speech & Hearing Association) award for outstanding leadership in our field. Louise and others were honored at a District 8 award ceremony at the CSHA convention in March 2019. Louise was nominated by the CSHA advisory board for this award, which is given once per year to a deserving speech-language pathologist.
Part of the nomination stated:
“Louise consistently takes a leadership role in furthering the profession. She freely gives of her time with people who contact her, whether or not they work with/for her. She ensures that the PCSS website has many resources available to clinicians and publishes a frequent newsletter that PCSS shares freely. Louise has been a guest speaker for graduate students to help them understand what to look for in a CF position and how to interview for that position. She contributes her extensive professional knowledge and insights frequently to the SIG and Facebook community pages to which she belongs.”
Congratulations to Louise Valente, our Co-Owner and Director of Staffing!
Louise Valente (center) received the CSHA District 8 Outstanding Leadership Award March 2019.
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