Hooray!! As of Jan 1, 2025, the number of self-study (non-live) hours to renew a speech pathologist’s license in CA has doubled to 12 CEU units per licensing cycle. Please see the chart linked below for the new requirements, but (in essence) 12 of the required 24 hours required per licensing period, can now be recorded coursework vs. interactive. The licensing board also made some additional modifications, so be sure to review the direct link to the current requirements.
This change takes effect immediately and is valid for the current licensing period. Looking for excellent self-study options? Our team has attended courses through ASHA Learning Pass, the Informed SLP, Speechtherapypd.com, and more. Be the Brightest SLP Summit Courses are also coming up this month with some excellent speakers.
NOTE: If you are an administrator or lead, we invite you to pass this link and information on to your SLPs. It’s a brand new, underpublicized change, and will be excellent news for them. Nothing like some great news on a January day!
This change by the licensing board will allow SLP/SLPAs more choice in their CEUs to meet the specific compliance/evidence-based practices for their caseload population. Kudos to the licensing board and our SLP advocates for this critical adjustment.